[Connected student interview] interview with a student of Alfred University

[Connected student interview] interview with a student of Alfred University

2020.12.07 17:13

Alfred University, BFA degree Art & Design


Mr. Park, a major in ceramic arts

We met Mr. Park who is majoring in ceramic arts at Alfred University, ranked at No. 1 in US for ceramic arts program. He began preparing for study abroad after being discharged from an army, but I got in with a well-prepared portfolio, without being prepared for a general art school admission. We have asked him what was his secret of getting admission and useful information for students preparing for arts school.


Q. Hello, please tell us about yourself.

I’m Park, a senior in Alfred University in US studying BFA degree Art & Design. And I am majoring in ceramic arts. I first came to US in 2014, so it has been more than 6 years. I have prepared for arts school admission during my middle and high schools, and began prepping for study abroad after high school and military service. First, I went to Nassau College for 2 years and transferred to Alfred University with full scholarship.


Q. What made you study abroad? Why did you choose US?

Since childhood, I have been interested in fine art and design. I couldn’t notice things when I was in middle and high school in Korea because of stress from college admission, but I began gathering my thoughts during the military service and prepared for study abroad. At first, I wanted to study architecture, but when I encountered a material, soil, I chose ceramics major. I also considered studying in Germany or France, but I think I chose US because of the language barrier.


Q. Tell us about the activities you have done to apply for Alfred University.

While attending Nassau College in US, I worked for a Japanese animation company for 3 months during summer break. It was a short experience, but I learned a lot while working as a designer assistant. When creating an animation, you first plan, take a field shooting, and then use the photo to complete the animation. I helped the designers by participating in the overall work.


Q. We heard that you got admitted to the school with a different route than conventional one. What was your secret?

I was a non-major and wasn’t able to seek professional help at the time, so I thought about what I wanted and what my work activities meant for me more frequently. Perhaps, it was the secret of being able to focus during the college. And call me lucky, but I think the faculty members enjoyed my work and appreciated the possibility because my portfolio fits well with the art flow at the time. I think I have developed a good portfolio strategy on own way.


Q. What was the biggest difference in preparing for arts school admission in Korea and US? What should Korean students be prepared for when they are working on arts school admission in US?

The difference is just vast between admissions in Korea and US. In Korea, art is focused on college admission, so the admission exam score and practical skills are important evaluation criteria. I also think that the evaluation of a student's personality is ranked in the order of grades. However, in US, portfolios, essays and cover letters are more important than grades. Because schools value student diversity and focus on synergy between the school and students, schools see bigger possibilities from students who have clear identities.


Q. Tell us in detail about Alfred University. We want to know about ceramics major.

Alfred University is located in Upstate, NY, which was once the center of the American ceramics industry. That's why the school became the center of ceramic arts and ceramics engineering in US. The school is ranked at top even in the entire fine art world, and it is definitely the best ceramic art school. Ceramic arts require a lot of equipment, tools and chemistry, and Alfred University is one of the best universities in the country with best equipment.

The faculty members are also professionals still working and influential in the industry. Not only ceramics but also glass crafts and metal craft programs of the school are famous. Alfred University has signed MOUs with many schools, and students are given with opportunities for training in China (pottery) and Germany (painting) every year. The school also encourages students to participate in competitions and cooperative work, so students can get lots of help from the faculty. I am majoring in fine art and I use other materials. But, mainly I work with soil and glaze.


Q. What did you like about working with Connected?

I finished my middle and high schools in Korea, but I couldn't concentrate on my studies because the Korean style of education didn't fit me well. Even in the very last semester, I was having such a hard time getting a visa to study in US because my grades were so low. But Connected gave me a very thorough preparation. Connected made a list of potential visa interview questions that fit my situation and I practiced with them. I remember that most of the questions were asked during the actual interview and I was able to get the visa successfully.


Q. Tell us your career plan after the graduation.

I plan to go to graduate school. I am thinking of KHIO of Oslo, Norway, VCU (Virginia Commonwealth University), UARK (University of Arkansas), University of Colorado Boulder or PSU (Pennsylvania State University). These schools have great faculty members and facility, and they have attractive pottery programs.