[Connected student interview] interview with a twin transferring from a Chinese International School to a private school in US

[Connected student interview] interview with a twin transferring from a Chinese International School to a private school in US

2020.12.07 16:51

Hyun Bin Choi and Hyun Jin Choi,

sophomores in a private school in NJ


We met Hyun Bin and Hyun Jin Choi twins who transferred from Chinese International School to a private school in US. We talked about difference of schools in China , and their experience in homestay and dormitory. Let’s find out about their life in US who are happy with time in a private school in US.

Q. Hello, please tell us about yourselves.

Hyun Bin Choi (HB) : Hi, I’m Hyun Bin Choi, a sophomore of a school in NJ. I have begun studying abroad in China in the first semester in the 3rd year of middle school.

Hyun Jin Choi (HJ) : Hello, I am Hyun Jin Choi, a twin brother of Hyun Bin. I’m in the same grade with him at a same school. We went to a Chinese international school, and transferred to a private school in NJ through Connected.


Q. What made you study abroad at early age?

HB: When I was in the second year of middle school, I was having hard time concentrating on studying. I wanted to leave the Korean curriculum. After a long conversation with my parents, I decided to study abroad the following year.

HJ: When I was studying in Korea, I got tired or sensitive quickly because I studied in a competitive environment. But, most of all, I wanted to experience a country other than Korea, so I decided to study abroad.


Q. How was the international school in China you attended?

HB:The international school I attended in China was famous for its strict discipline. For example, so-called one-week class was in system, where students went to school for 10 days and closed for 4 days. But during the school period, students had to give up their mobile phones. During the four-day school closing, students went to school at 7 am to study on their own and have free time after the inspection.

HJ: I got the feeling that the school controlled its students more compared to a private school in US I am attending now. Since it was a boarding school, it seems that stricter guidelines were applied in both the school and the living space. I like the school in US because it is more respectful of student freedom.


Q. What do you think is the difference between Chinese International School and a private school in US?

HB: School in US does not have an educational method where students just memorize knowledge or passively accept the teaching. Even though it takes more time to learn the knowledge, teachers explain in detail if a student wants to learn. Unlike the Chinese international school, also I like the independent learning environment. .

HJThe biggest difference between Chinese international school and a private school in US is the learning environment. In China, like in Korea, when the teacher provides information, students just receive and digest it. But in US, it seems that closer communication between faculty and students is available and the rate of student participation is high. I felt that the difference in teaching methods between the two countries was huge.


Q. You are attending a Christian school. Any advantage of having a same religion?

HB: We are Christians at birth. Religious values the school propose and we believe coincide, so I personally have a stronger sense of belonging and attachment to the school.

HJ: I feel more comfortable because the school is a Christian school and I don’t have to worry about my religious life. I wasn’t aware when I was in Korea, but now I know that sense of stability is very important when you are living in a foreign country. I think it’s great that the school and I are in match in that sense. The school has a bible class, so non-Christian students should keep that in mind.


Q. How is the homestay in US?

HB:Homestay in US is really good. In Chinese International School, there were 3 Italian and 3 korean students in a dorm room and I was always worried about causing any disturbance to them. The atmosphere was strict as well. But in here, I like the stable atmosphere and I often feel like they are my relatives while staying with my homestay family.

HJ: I love my homestay hosts because they are really helpful and friendly. It is a special advantage compared to life in a dorm. We don’t feel any disadvantage because we have a great host family. But some may have different feeling depending on how you get along with the host family.


Q. What did you like about working with Connected?


I hoped to study in US when I was in China. At the time, Connected helped us decide whether studying in US was right for us, find the right school, find the right host for us, and all things related to the study abroad. We took long time to select a school for us, but we were able to choose a good school because Connected has compared curriculums of the schools, race ratio, and the characteristics of the region in detail. In addition, before leaving for US for the first time, Connected provided a four-year study plan customized for the school with our desired major, and it was helpful to start studying abroad with the big picture for college admission.


Q. Tell us about your plan and desired major.

HB: I’m still thinking about the future or a major. I’m interested in economics and sociology.

HJ: I’m interested in computer engineering field. My start in US has been good so far. I hope I would be going to a college in US studying the major I want.