[Connected student interview] interview with a student studying abroad preparing to apply for US aviation school

[Connected student interview] interview with a student studying abroad preparing to apply for US aviation school

2020.12.03 17:55

Interview with Min Jun Kim,
a junior in a N.J. private school


With a dream to become a pilot, Min Jun Kim went on to study in US where global top aviation schools are in. 

He has visited aviation camp opportunities to practice flight simulation, and is working hard in his school works and physical training. We asked him what his future would look like. 

Q. Hello. Please tell us about yourself and the cause of your studying abroad.


A. Hi, I’m Min Jun Kim, a junior in a Christian school in N.J. I began studying abroad in January of 2019. I’ve always wanted to become a pilot, and learned that most of top aviation schools are in US when I searched for them. I decided to study in US because I wanted to study in US aviation school and to have my dream come true.



Q. We learned that you are staying with a homestay family.

Please tell us advantage and disadvantage about it.


A. Thanks to homestay, I was able to witness and learn how typical family in US live their lives up close. Advantage of it, in my mind is that you can easily learn their culture by living closely with American family, and you won’t feel lonely too often even though you often feel lonely and face difficulty when you live abroad. Disadvantage is that you may feel inconvenience because of difference in cultures of two countries. But, I believe the student’s mindset to be acclimated without feeling inconvenience is necessary.

Q. We know you are in school soccer team. What kind of activities do you do in the club?

A. I joined the soccer team with a simple reason that soccer is my favorite sports. Unlike Korea, there are many soccer teams in US. And I joined the team because I was interested after learning there are many matches. Soccer team in my school requires 2-hour practice on days without match, and plays a match on a match day. For an away game, we have to travel by bus for 1 or 2 hours which requires some physical stress. But I like the match and I think it is time for non-stop exercise, which is rewarding.


Q. What difference do you see in curriculum between US and Korea?

A. When I studied in Korea, I thought the test was at the center of the curriculum. Grades are determined by test result and I felt lots of pressure from it. But in US, students can maintain good grades by continuously studying at all times. Personally, the biggest difference was that school work load in US is less than Korea. So, if you want to maintain your grade, you can easily do so with a simple mindset to maintain your grade and to put effort. I received better grade in US than in Korea. Test difficulty in US is lower than Korea, and I believe it is a structure of which anyone can receive a good grade with effort and certain amount of time put iinto.


Q. We learned that you are dreaming to become a pilot. What made you have the dream?


A. I wanted to search for unique careers because I didn’t think a typical desk job does not fit me well. If I become a pilot, I would be able to travel to difference countries and have difference experiences, which will be an interesting career. That is why I want to become a pilot. I like handling machines and it fits me too.


Q. Have you participated in aviation camp?

A. Originally, I was to participate in aviation camp this year at Embry Riddle University, which is the best aviation school in the world. I had high hopes to have an actual experience of flying an airplane. But the camp was canceled due to COVID-19. It was a big shame as I had such high hope for the camp.


Q. What good do you get for applying for aviation school after participating in aviation camp?

A. I heard that aviation camp participation gives additional point on the college application. But, regardless, wouldn’t it be nice since you can study basic knowledge. And when you take flight lesson in college, having flight experience would be helpful. In highschool, studying mathematics will be helpful. Aviation is a part of natural science college, which requires mathematics.



Q. Tell us if you experience any difficulty in the beginning. And tell us how you overcome them.

A. I had difficulty making friends at the beginning. Due to language barrier, I wasn’t able to engage in conversation but they first came to me. With the opportunities, I carried on the conversation and became friends. I like P.E. the most. Playing sports with friends was the fastest way to become friends.


Q. Tell us about your plan and desired major.

A. Plans have changed because of coronavirus. But I still have time so I will watch the situation and change my plan accordingly. It was convenient for preparation because Connected first acknowledged my needs and helped me. In such fluid circumstance, I will prepare to apply for aviation school according to the road map provided by Connected.