Major Series #5 : HR (Human Resources)

Major Series #5 : HR (Human Resources)

2020.10.30 13:58

"HR, what kind of study is it?”

It is difficult to forecast what may happen as people from various fields gather and work together in a company. HR is a field of study that cultivates experts researching and handling various issues arise between people such as corporate, government bodies, private company, etc. HR majors must acquire higher level of understanding for people as well as organization. therefore, HR majors basically study wide range of knowledge including humanities, mathematics, social science, psychology, sociology, etc. and they also takes classes in economics and business management.

"HR, why is it necessary?"

Hiring is the first thing we think of HR. Most companies require personnel for not only hiring but also establishment and implementation of policy, welfare management and internal communication of managerial decision. HR Manager plays an important role in confirming and managing whether entire staffs of an organization comply with internal policy. In HR, students grow their capabilities as an HR manager or an expert, and study necessary items for systemic organization management.

"What would I mainly learn in HR major?"

In general, HR degree focuses on management and business administration to provide comprehensive idea for management method of an organization. HR major is under business administration in undergraduate and graduate program, and students study aspects fall under curriculum of business administration major. More focused and professional learning takes place in master or doctoral program. Students can learn about organizational behavior, entrepreneurial spirit, labor law, hiring strategy and labor union. They also study the issues workers experience in various organization structures.

"HR, why is it promising?"

Today, labor is required and the most important asset in an organization. Therefore, HR manager who handles labor is necessary. US Department of Labor forecasts that demand for HR manager will increase by 9% and demand for HR Specialist will increase by 7% by 2026. HR Specialists are gradually recognized as important partners of corporate leadership in order to cultivate and maintain corporate talents. They not only manage labor but also continuously develop themselves, and more complex work requirements are being added in the job group. They play strategic and advisory roles within the organization. According to forecast by US Department of Labor, more and more leadership teams of the corporate invest in HR. As corporate realizes the importance of talent management and operation, demand for competent HR Specialist will continuously grow.


Jobs for HR majors」

HR majors usually work in following job groups.

▪︎ Human Resources Specialist

They plan HR management strategy, hiring, employee relation and training, and they oversee internal policy compliance and welfare management.

▪︎ HR Manager

They manage organization, hire and play middle channel of communication between management, etc.

▪︎ Training and Development Manager

They train technique and knowledge development of employees and execute development-related program and budget.

▪︎ Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialist

They study market trend and plan compensation and benefit program of the organization based on legal and cost analysis.

「Average salary of HR majors」

According to US Bureau of Labor Statistics, average salary of computer and information research scientists were $112,520 in 2017. This is more than twice of national average in general. Salary of computer science majors offers wider range of selection per job group. For example, average salary of software publishers is $132,190 while salary of computer science teacher is $77,240.

「What would be good other than bachelor’s degree to add expertise?」

If the applicant can prove his/her additional expert certificate on top of HR degree, he/she may appeal higher level of credibility and expertise to the employer. This helps qualify for opportunity to increase experience and higher salary.

HR Certification Institute is a specialized association, and it offers various programs to graduates of HR. Following are a few certificates that may be helpful if included in a resume.

- PHR Certification

It handles the aspects of management technology and operation to cultivate HR specialist.

- SPHR Certification

It is a course one-step above than PHR certification. With it, students can be recognized as specialists who plan leadership and strategy. Graduates of undergraduate program must have more than 5 years of experience.

- GPHR Certification

Specialists with experience in global market may try for global HR specialist certification. They can recognized for their expertise in global talent acquisition and global development of HR policy.


TOP 3 Human Resources colleges


ㆍExpected tuition : $51,736

ㆍUniversity of Michigan (Ross School of Business) is a business school with a goal to cultivate leaders who will create innovative solution for complex business issues. To produce graduates who will be helpful in fast changing world, it focuses on activity-based learning, and its classes take place in the form of strict discussion. It tests in research, verifies through applied program and sets new standard for business education.

School feature : HR field is at the crossroad of various social science fields, and it focuses on curriculum for students to grown insight for resolution of organizational problems and establishment of organizational capability. Classes include improvement in decision making, network establishment, negotiation, organization design, motivation and compensation system, advance restructuring of organizational structure, etc.


ㆍExpected tuition : $57,256

ㆍUSC Marshall School of Business is considered one of the best business schools in the world because it offers students with opportunities to learn in actual organizations during the enrollment. Focused on innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, social responsibility and research partnership,

USC Marshall School of Business is receiving favorable rating from all over the world as it solved the problems in fast-changing business environment. Through HRM course, students will be able to better understand the core works of global market.

School feature : Undergraduate business administration of the school provides strategy, organizational activity, leadership, strategy setting, organization design and team development. In the area of employee incentive program, it offers undergraduate and graduate courses. Students learn about the importance of management feature of an organization and how to achieve a goal as demands of external environment and resources within the organization maintain the balance. The class includes HR performance and incentive, change and development of an organization, management consulting, etc.


ㆍExpected tuition : $73,062

ㆍStanford University Business School of Graduate is one of major business schools in US with its top-notch HRM course curriculum. In addition, students can use various resources of all campuses of Stanford as much as they want. The biggest advantage of the school is that customized education can be designed per student’s personalized demand.

ㆍSchool feature : HRM program of Stanford University Business School of Graduate enables students to adapt to fast-changing market and business environment fast and to manage them efficiently. Class curriculum includes global academic travel, case studies, role playing through simulation, etc.


List of colleges with HR majors

Imperial College London Business Schoo


University of Glasgow


The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Business School


Seoul National University, College of Business Administration


Nanjing University Business School


ⓒ2020 BLF